
When I was yong,I was moved from China to HK.Then I study in HK for 12years for primary school and secondary school.thenn come to TaiWan to study university

My primary school is KCOBAps1wwhich is a tradition school.Some of the Idols who was studied in this school.In this 6 years iI just remember some of the dark histry.

Then about my secoundary school.which is CGHC.Which is very famous in sport.For example basketball,bowling and handball.Specicaly is basketball,because my school is No.4 in HK's secoundary school.

Finally about my university.My university is St. John's University.In here i can't forget a lot of things.However friends or teachers.Also I join a club which is about BoardGames.I will join this club because I can try different experence.